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Knead to Know | ABA on the Road, Prop 65 Update, New CEO Q&A, and more

Knead to Know | ABA on the Road, Prop 65 Update, New CEO Q&A, and more

by Vanessa Vial -
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Knead to Know


Quote of the Week

"70% of the Farm bill is nutrition policy programs. Those are very important to bakers and to other food manufacturers."
-Lee Sanders on today's new episode of the Bake to the Future Podcast

ABA on the Road

ABA's new President and CEO, Eric Dell, hit the road this month, visiting with members and industry partners. 

View more photos from Member visits


1. OEHHA Finalizes Prop 65 Cooking Exemption

OEHHA's final cooking exemption for acrylamide was published near the end of last year and will become effective on April 1, 2023. This action provides a regulatory pathway for additional “heat formed” chemicals on the Prop 65 list. Below are key elements of the final rule. 

  • Like the proposed rule, the final cooking exemption applies only to acrylamide, rather than to all listed chemicals created during cooking or heat processing
  • The final rule defines "lowest level currently feasible" by requiring application of the Codex standard for acrylamide reduction
  • Companies can continue relying on other information and data to demonstrate that a Prop 65 warning is not warranted for a specific product
  • Companies having acrylamide compliance levels in court-ordered settlements and final judgments entered prior to April 1, 2023, to the extent they differ from the safe harbor levels in the new regulation, continue to apply to the parties to those settlements
Read the full final rule from the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment

2. Eight Questions for ABA's New CEO

Eric Dell became President and CEO of the American Bakers Association at the start of January 2023. In this Q&A with Eric, he outlines his background, vision for the association, and plans for his early days in the role. 

Getting to know Eric

3. ONE MONTH LEFT to Recognize Your Company's Safe Workplaces through the Safety Recognition Program

ABA's Safety Recognition Program application is due in ONE MONTH. Apply here before the February 24, 2023 deadline.

The Safety Recognition Program recognizes individual member company sites that excel in safety while increasing workplace safety awareness and emphasizing the importance of employee safety in the baking industry.

Learn more and apply today


4. Upcoming Professionals Groups Events in February - Exclusive to ABA Members

Are you registered for ABA's upcoming Professionals Groups virtual conferences? There's something for everyone. Learn more and register 
View the registration instructions for professionals groups events

5. What Makes NEXUS Different?

Happening in Dallas, TX, from September 25-28, NEXUS is a contemporary conference with teamwork, education, and collaboration at its core, the ideal solution to many business and professional development needs.

Find out registration and agenda info, Spark! Session details, and more FAQs.
View All ABA Events
Sponsorship Opportunities for ABA Members
American Bakers Association | 601 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 230, Washington, DC 20004

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